lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

1.   When was William Shakespeare born? Where?
a.    In the 26 of April of 1564 in the city of Warwickshire.
2.   Write the names of William Shakespeare’s parents. Who were they?
a.    John Shakespeare and Mary Arden
3.   Write the name of his wife. When did they get married?
a.    Anne Hathaway, 1582.
4.   Write the names of his three children. What happened to them?
a.   Susana, Hamnet, Judith. The boy dies at 11 years old and Judith get adult and get married.
5.   What was the name of his hometown?
a.    Warwickshire
6.   Write the names of the buildings in his hometown related to him.
a.   King’s new school
7.   Where did he study?
a.    King's New School de Stratford-upon-Avon
8.   Did he go to university?
a.    No
9.   Why did he leave his family and hometown to go to London?
a.    Because he was hunting deers
10. How many plays had he written when he arrived in London?
a.    He wrote 6 books.
11.When can we find the first reference to Shakespeare in the literary world of London?
a.    1592

12.When and where did he die?
a.    3 of May of 1616
13.When and where did his wife die?
a.    1608 he dies, London
14.Where is he buried?

a.    At the church of the Holy Trinity
There I put an interesting link about history of William Shakespeare: 1 H A T H A W A Y 2 J U L I U S C A E S A R 3 E L I Z A B E T H 4 J U L I U S D I E 5 F I R S T F O L I O 6 H A M N E T 7 M A R Y A R D E N 8 S T R A T F O R D 9 C H R I S T O P H E R 10 S A M W A N A M A K E R 11 K I N G L E A R 12 G L O B E T H E A T R E 13 S U S A N N A 14 O P H E L I A 15 G L O B E T H E A T R E 16 M A C B E T H 17 R I C H A R D I I I 18 O T H E L L O 1. Surname of William Shakespeare's wife 2. The most cruel and bloody of Will's tragedies 3. Queen of England during most of Will's life 4. Tragedy set in the Roman Empire 5. Name of the book which collected Will's plays 6. Will's only son 7. Will's mother 8. Will's hometown 9. Name of Will's rival poet. 10.Founder of the Theatre 11.One of Will's most famous tragedies, in which a king has three daughters. 12.A famous theatre close to the Globe 13.Will's first daughter 14.Hamlet's unfortunate girlfriend 15.Will's theatre 16.One of Will's famous tragedy . " Out damn spot. Out, I say !" 17.Tragedy and name of the king who said " A horse. My kingdom for a horse !". 18.Tragedy and name of a man who killed his wife Desdemona for jealousy. NAME: Anna BolenaFATE: Executed CHILDREN: Elisabeth IWIFE NUMBER: 2nd NAME: Jane SaymourFATE: Death CHILDREN: Edward VIWIFE NUMBER: 3rd NAME: Ana de ClevesFATE: Divorced CHILDREN: No childrenWIFE NUMBER: 4th NAME: Catalina de AragónFATE: Divorced CHILDREN: Mary IWIFE NUMBER: 1st NAME: Katherine ParrFATE: Widower CHIDREN: No childrenWIFE NUMBER: 6th NAME: Kathryin HowardFATE: Executed CHILDREN: No childrenWIFE NUMBER: 5th

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